Monday, February 25, 2013

Today is as Good as Any

Many will wonder what is so special about February 25th?  I mean why not start on the first of a month to begin a fresh new journey to better health and less debt?  Well, today is the day that I looked at pictures of myself running the last 5k about two weeks ago and thought OMG!!! who is that fat girl running in my outfit?  Upon closer inspection, it was confirmed that I was indeed the fat girl.  Wow!!!  Talk about a kick in the behind.  I can blame the usual culprits, stress, busy schedule and the ease of junk/fast food.  But who am I kidding?  No one force fed me the pizza and ice-cream.  Those were decisions(albeit bad ones) that I made.  It is time to start making some good decisions before they end up cutting the wall out of my bedroom to get me out of the house.

In regards to this weight loss journey I have been reading the Virgn Diet book and am very interested in seeing if I have any food intolerances (not to be confused with food allergies) that may be leading the bloat and lack of energy I am having.  So, we (me and my dear sweet husband) have ordered the shake and they arrived today so tomorrow will truly start the health and fitness aspect of this journey.  I am looking forward to see what comes of this and will definitely keep you posted.

In regards to the Shrinking of the Debt, I have become fascinated/addicted to the many posting about people paying off exorbitant amounts of debt in just a few years.  I think if they can do it so can I.  I went through a divorce a few years ago and as many have learned a divorce can really impact your credit score.  I have approximately $12k in debt including two student loans, it is my goal to erradicate this debt by December of 2014.  In addition to my debt I brought into my marriage.  My dear sweet hubby and I have racked up an additional $16k in debt, not taking into consideration the mortgage.  It is my goal as well to have that eradicated by the end of December 2013.  I know it will not be easy and will require some belt tightening.  But all I keep thinking about is how great it would be to be debt free and not have the anxiety of what would we do if one or both of us lost our job tomorrow.

I am hoping that reporting on this blog, whether anyone ever views it or not will atleast in some way make me accountable; even if it is just to the audience in my head.